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Project Sign Off

Hi everyone, In today's post, I would like to show you what my final project is about. I have finally signed off my project plan with my tutor, so now I can show it to you. It has been agreed and signed by both sides and officially declared. Thank you for your attention   
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Smart Objectives

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Importance of Research

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Analyzing set essay question

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 HI EVERYONE  Thank you for visiting my blog again. My name is Simon Tkacz and I am a student of Media&Communication at De Montfort University in Leicester  My hobby is media, languages, sports, fashion, and music. This blog will focus mainly on things connected with media, art, and photos because I want it to be connected with the subject I am studying. I was interested in media&communication since I was really young I was a commutative kid always ready to discover new things in my life. A few years later I started to find myself in social media, I made a lot of websites, fan pages, or blogs it was really interesting for me. When I grew up I decided to go study in the UK to learn more about it and here I am!  My aim was always to work for some massive media company, communicate with people daily without any problems. Hopefully one day I would be able to work on my own ideas and develop them in the best way possible!